Technical University Dortmund (TUDo)
Technical University Dortmund Project Description
The Chair for Applied Mathematics and Numerics (LS3) of the TU Dortmund has a long, successful history in research around numerical simulations.
The working group is characterized by an interdisciplinary mix of mathematicians, engineers, and computer scientists. A significant unique feature of
the chair is the focus on all hardware and software aspects of CFD simulations. In addition to methodological efficiency, the (potentially unconventional)
target hardware as well as performance, scalability, and efficiency of the combination of hardware and software are of primary importance. This approach to
hardware-oriented numerics is essential for a massively parallel system solution taking advantage of very heterogeneous components and, in particular, accelerator hardware,
in order to be able to approach realistic CFD simulations in an industrial environment automatically. The in-house simulation platform FEATFLOW, which has been
continuously developed for more than 20 years, serves as the basis. The code is based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) in conjunction with Newton-Krylov multigrid
solvers. Together with the so-called Fictitious Boundary Method and dynamic grid generation and grid adaptation, a large part of the simulation workflow can be
fully automated.